Here is the Forum Post if you want to see it for yourself. :)
"1){most likely}: israphel will be killed by knight_peculier, simon and lewis and save daisy.
So I think that although KP has died since this was posted, this may be one of the most probable endings if he come back to life. This is what the characters intended to happen, and it provides a clean, controversy free ending to the series. The Yogscast might like this because it provides a solid end that won't beg for a return.
"2){highly probable}: israphel will kill knight_peculier... then be killed by simon and lewis
Now with KP's death this may happen... well, the second part. If they decide not to bring KP back from the dead for whatever reason, it is logical that the Heroes (Honeydew and Xephos) would be next in line to finish the job.
These first two are probably my personal predictions for what will happen depending on what they do with KP. I want something a little more interesting and eventful, but I think if they make the video interesting these endings would work. I just think they are the most logical and require they least amount of controversy, provide a nice end to this almost 2 year series, and satisfy the "good will conquer evil" saying. Now for some of the more out-there ideas.
This although improbable, isn't crazy. Fumblemore is not a central character by any means, so having him play a pivotal role by finishing off the bad guy probably won't happen. But in the final battle I guess anyone present could kill Israphel.
"4){possible}: the "sand god" wins and chokes the world in sand [everyone dies...including israphel]
This wuold [would] be the worst possible way to end the serise [series], but when you think bout it. it is highly possible, i mean they are fighting almost impossible odds and as such is probably could lose and... die."
Now this is sad. It could happen, but who would want to see the good guys lose? Honeydew and Xephos are not called heroes for nothing. If they were to lose, the only good thing I could see come out of it is any survivors could be part of a new season with a resistance overcoming a new order under Israphel. If the Yogscast wants to head down that road, it would be sad but I am all for seeing another season with possibly a darker tone in scene and plot.
I honestly can't see this happening. I don't think Israphel could change, and it is like a sneaky way out of ending the series filled with sunshine and rainbows. Although world peace is in style, it doesn't fit with the theme the series has been taking with Israphel as the main aggressor. And with all these options this one is the favorite of the author? I think many of these options could open up the door to a future season.
This could happen beacuse it would simply be good entertainment to watch... using the portal time effect we saw in bbq bay in that room."
This has to do with one of my biggest problems in logic with the series (I will probably make a post about this later). But in short, it is Karpath's map, not Verigan's. Verigan died after the last final battle, and Karpath set up the Templars and this map. So he can't come back... unless the Yogscast wants to pull a "no one ever dies" and just makes up reality. But I am going to rule this one out because it would cause some real explaining to convince viewers that someone that died over 100 years ago suddenly is alive or can use that portal thing.
That would be great to watch, simply beacuse [because] it would look epic."
Like I said, anyone in the final battle could kill Israphel. It would look cool if they could get the animation right, but again I think it would be either the heroes or KP (if he returns).
I realy hope that this doesn't happen beacuse it would be a waste of a good character."
Like the author, I don't think this is probable given the current state of things. But if Granny_Bacon could turn into a zombie, this could happen.
This theory is highly likely beacuse of the fact that we learned that israphel can corrupt people to make them his slaves."
I wouldn't want this to happen, but like the author said giving Israphel's past experience with corruption, it could be possible. But I think true love would conquer all and even though she is corrupted she could turn back. Even Honeydew will get more 'bacon' at the end of the journey.
Like it says, no.