So I was sitting around on YouTube watching the latest installment of the Shadow of Israphel series, and after watching it so many times I decided to just listen and read some of the comments posted. I found the usual - an abundance of comments praising the Yogscast for the job they've done, the occasional bash of the YouTube group followed by a long string of counterattacks filled with profanity, and the age-old question: "When will Shadow of Israphel be back?" I know personally I asked that question a few times back when they were producing their original minecraft videos. It is completely natural. Many people are in love with the series, and they are eager to figure out what happens after they return to Prof_Webley and they are clinging to the hope that Knight_ Peculier will rise from the radioactive lava and help save the world.
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Long story short, I came across a comment on one of these questions saying that the Shadow of Israphel "season" was over for the year. And I wondered, what did she mean by "season"? I never really looked to see if the series followed some scheduled time frame. This information, if true, would be beneficial for others to know when they are waiting, and help settle the restlessness if a firm date was in sight. So I set out looking through their playlist of the SoI season. The first part was released 23 months ago today, on January 27, 2011. The last part released in 2011 was part 35: Lastwatch Hold in mid November. In the 11 months, 2011 brought about 35 parts, and 7 specials including Granny Bacon's Funeral, The Verigan special for Child's Play, and 2 videos of outtakes. So 42 videos total. 2012 however, was in my opinion a little more disappointing. Although the quality of the videos was by far a huge step up from the previous year, 2012 brought about 7 additional parts to the plot in a 10 month time period. So to follow up on this woman's comment, there is no "season" for SoI and although it would be nice, there is no knowing when the next installment will be out.
But if it is any reassurance, the Yogscast is working to make the best quality of videos, no matter the time. Hannah posted on the Yogscast forums back a year ago that they will not release episodes until a quality standard is met, and editing takes a lot of time. And with the rising quality of the episodes, they will no doubt take a lot of time to edit. Not only do they need to get everything built, but they need to create the next stage of plot, play and record all of it, and then edit the footage and add music.
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I think that a compromise could be made though. I know the Yogscast posts at least one minecraft video a day, so we do not miss seeing Honeydew's dwarf beard too much. But I also think that more communication on the part of the Yogscast would make things easier. Part of the reason people keep asking about the return of the series is because there is no information about anything. I honestly believe if there are video updates, or even facebook/twitter messages giving viewers some idea of the progress, Less people would be spamming comments and wall posts. I know it is hard to juggle everything with the exponential expansion of their channels, but putting viewers in the dark will only cause the mob to react. And I think viewers and supporters need to understand they are still putting out videos every day, and they can not focus every waking minute just to produce SoI videos. And what would you rather have: high quality well planned and edited videos a few times a year, or sloppy videos every week?
I miss SoI as much as any Yognaut/Yognaught, and I will be the first to admit that I wish they would put tekkit on hold and put out more SoI. But I know that complaining will not solve anything.
If you want to see Hannah's forum post, follow the link here:
Yogscast Forum
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