Wednesday, March 13, 2013

More Hints for New SoI Episode Coming Soon!

So I was browsing the forums and there was a post by apayn (his forum username) that said to watch the end of "Trucking Tuesday - Spin Tires" and that there is a hint to the possible emergence of SoI. Personally I do not watch the Trucking Tuesday videos or some of the other non-minecraft ones, but I checked it out... and if you watch at 12:29 on the video you see Israphel between the trees. Here is a pic:

Yogscast Forums
I'm not sure if this necessarily means that SoI is coming back, but having Israphel in a non-minecraft game would hint that SoI is at least on the minds of the Yogscast. Also Israphel was used for the "Slender Trucker" bit they did, and it many have just been an issue of not being able to put the real slender man in the video and used their own creation to avoid any copyright/legal issues. I may just be skeptical because I do not want to get my hopes up of a new SoI and be disappointed... they did put Israphel in there for a reason.

What do you think? Is it really a hint for SoI's return in the near future or is it just a comical ending to a video? Feel free to comment below :) And if you find any other cool SoI stuff you would like to share, feel free to comment with that as well.

Here's the Trucking Tuesday vid if you want to check out Israphel for yourself. He is seen at 12:29. Also click here for the forum post about the Israphel sighting.

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