Saturday, July 27, 2013


Let's celebrate! I bet you are asking, what for? Well, today so happens to be an important anniversary for the Yogscast. It is the one year anniversary of SoI Part 42: The Oasis. That's right, it has been a WHOLE YEAR since any new SoI content was put out on the channel. If you ask me, it is really surprising. Since I started this blog back in December, I have mentioned the passing months and milestones that came and went without a new episode. I honestly thought that it would take a while for new episodes, but not this long. At this point they better be finishing the whole thing and it should be at least a full length motion picture time wise. Lol. But you know I think the fans should be proud. Even with a LOT of complaining (so much that it is partially to blame for the comments being disabled on the main channel) the fans have survived a year without SoI. If you are reading this you probably love SoI as much as I do, and I know a week used to feel like a year when they first started the series. So pat yourself on the back... you have overcome adversity and survived on the SoI playlist on constant loop for a year. I bet you could probably recite every episode... I am getting close lol ;)

So I hope you all go celebrate. Sorry it is the end of the day and there probably isn't time to go buy a cake... Well, maybe if you are lucky enough to have a 24 hour mart. But celebrate a belated anniversary, and here's to hoping we will at least get an episode but the end of 2013. Cheers!

p.s. I am blogging on my ipad for the first time... Not sure how it will turn out. Sorry for any spelling mistakes or autocorrects!

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