Friday, August 2, 2013

July Poll Results!

So I am going to start posing the results for the polls I post on the blog. I will do a question each month, and then blog the results for you :) So for July's question, most of you would want to be Skylords or Dwarfs! I would probably want to be a Skylord too if I were in SoI. Here are the final results for you to see:
132 people voted!!! Thank you so much. Just seeing people vote makes me happy and lets me know that you guys are reading the content. Also, I am over 10k views with is super cool, and I usually get about 100 a day now so thanks to everyone that reads this! And thanks to the Yogscast of creating such a great series. I love it so much that I continue to watch and I love writing about it. And I know there are many people that love it enough to not only watch it but read about it as well!

9/8/13: Cover Photo Hidden SoI Return Conspiracy Bonanza!

Posting up a storm today! Third post. I am finding so many cool things on the forums and I have a lot of spare time. But here is somehting else cool, and it has to do with the most recent cover photo uploaded on July 23rd. Now I could just tell you what someone mentioned on the forums, but I am first going to let you look and see if you can see anything cool or unusual. So here is the normal cover photo.

Here is some space so you don't cheat... scroll down once you think you see something or give up (yay games are fun!)

Ok anything? Did you look at the stars? Constellations can be really cool. These ones in particular spell out the lettters "SOI." Here it is outlined in proper constellation fashion courtesy of MS Paint.

Facebook (Plus paint)
Pretty cool huh? Just thought I would share it. I didn't find this on my own, actually a user by the name of Visions posted about it on the hidden countdown thread I blogged about like a half hour ago. Thought it was interesting enough to share. If you see anything cool like this or in any of the episodes, comment on any post and I will blog about it if it is something cool :) There must be a lot of hidden secrets!


So yeah... hahaha. checking out the cover photo comments and someone mentioned on the sides of the SOI constellation there are numbers... looks like a 98 on the left and a 13 or 15 on the right. I am thinking the numbers are 9813. Which could possibly be a date. 9/8/13. For me and others in America it looks like September 8th, but in the UK it is August 9th. Which also brings up another thing Visions said in his post. He mentioned the battlements are divided into what he said is 9 or 10 up to the first tower, 8 or 9 to honeydew, and 13 the rest of the way. So 9, 8, 13 again. And to make it seem even more like a date for the return of SoI, Youtube geek week is coming up next week the 4th-10th. AND SoI used to be uploaded on Fridays normally, and the 9th just so happens to be the Friday during geek week. Coincidence? Maybe. But it is all a little too perfect. Here's to hoping next Friday will be the day!

More SoI Updates Courtesy of the Forums

Haha super old from the forums... well April... but I completely missed it. Hannah was commenting on a thread about a possible hidden countdown in the facebook cover photos (Link to my blog post here! ) (Link to the forum thread here!) and had a lot of interesting things to say about the beginnings of SoI and the continuation of the series. I screenshotted her post if you don't want to go to the forums. Here it is:

After reading this it makes me glad to hear straight from a member of the Yogscast that it is being worked on. I don't like subtle hinting... lol And I am glad that from what she wrote that they are working on finishing it so there are not any more delays. That makes me happy that hopefully we will never have to wait over a year for the continuation, but it is also sad that it will be ending soon... :( The first paragraph also made me think. She says that the idea was thought up by her and Lewis, and that they started with the aid of some others and Simon didn't even know in the beginning. What I really want to know is how early this idea started. At the beginning, they claimed that Israphel was actually another person who got on to their server, and they procured the account from this individual. But is that really true? I mean, they were the ones that claimed the other characters were advanced NPCs... which turned out to be a lie. So it is possible that they could have fibbed about this one too, and all of it was of their own creation. I replied to Hannah's post on the forums with a quote of the first paragraph (I think it is on page 27 of the thread) asking this same question. Hopefully she responds, and if she does, I will be sure to post about it. It would be really nice to know.

How Did PirateTinman Get Through the Lava?

So as I was watching through the SoI playlist once again (shocker!) I came across something interesting. You know how Xephos and Honeydew left PirateTinman all alone while searching for Grimjaw's sunken booty? But no worries, he managed to not only get across the lava, but also beat the heroes to the treasure. At the beginning of Part 23, they list different possibilities for Tinman accomplishing such a feat. But I don't think those were the answer. While watching Part 21, I saw this:

Yep, a staircase. I don't know how I missed this the last million times I saw this episode but it is right there. So I think PirateTinman found an easier route around the lava. Not as cool or exciting, but more likely.

I only wish I knew where it went to be sure. This is one of the times I wish the old museum server was back up. Ahhh I loved that thing. It was like a SoI fan's dream. I honestly spent like 5 hours straight on there the first time I went on. lol If anyone knows of any good SoI replica maps that go through at least Part 21, let me know. I would love to know if this staircase goes anywhere cool.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

More SoI Hints and Hopes for the New Videos

So again I was around on the forums... and I found this post. They noticed that the Yogpod's facebook cover photo has been changing over the past 20 days. It depicts the wall and the breach (pic 1), and then 3 figures appear to walk through (pic 2) who look to be Honeydew, Xephos, and Knight_Peculier. The last one (pic 3) was updated today and shows the rebuilding of the wall.

Pic 1 - Facebook (February 26)
Pic 2 - Facebook (March 7)
Pic 3 - Facebook (March 18)

Now there has been A LOT of hints into the possible return of SoI. There have been mentions of Israphel and the series in various videos (Trucking Tuesday, Tekkit/Yoggit) and they are providing hints on facebook as well. Now unless they are being total trolls and teasing their 4 million + subscribers and viewers, SoI should be making an appearance soon. I kinda like all of these little teases they are putting out. I am getting excited, and I bet a ton of other people are too. But I also think too many will start to irritate people, so they should be used wisely.

Just waiting for some proof... right now it's all talk and no walk. And I don't want to be a bummer on such a happy time, but I really hope they put out more videos this year than in 2012 as far as SoI is concerned. I personally liked the earlier episodes, minus the poorer video quality and the lack of features on the part of Minecraft. Don't get me wrong I love the new episodes that dazzle viewers with amazing video effects and creative editing, but I think going back to their roots would be a smart move. Or at least a compromise. Going from 35 to 6 main SoI episodes in a year is a little drastic, and 2013 isn't looking to bright with it being the middle of March without a single one. And for a time, for this next video at least I will be really disappointed if we waited almost 8 months (or more depending on when it is uploaded) for a 10 minute video. The longest SoI episode is about 28 minutes (Part 38: The Hand). It doesn't have to be that long, but I think somewhere around 18-20 should be the minimum for the wait. Or multiple 12-15 minute videos released let's say every week. I know none of this is my choice or the choice of anyone but the Yogscast, but I hope that they realize (and I mean really realize) that we the viewers are the ones that make their channel and the viewers made them who they are today. They do have a right to post what they want and what they enjoy, but just end the series so their audience isn't just hanging around waiting. Despite all of this negative stuff, I am actually really optimistic for what lies ahead and I can't wait for the next episode!

Update: 4-7-13

On Thursday another pic was uploaded. Here it is!

Pic 4 - Facebook (April 4) 
Now this looks like it is recounting the rebuilding of the breach outside Verigan's Hold. Many are starting to speculate when the next episode will come out. Some are saying video 2000, and some are saying once they reach 5 million subs. No matter when it comes there is one fact: It is coming soon.

Update: 4-23-13

On April 23 another one was uploaded. Here it is!

Pic 5 - Facebook (April 23)
So it wasn't video 2000... But the 2000th video wasn't all that bad. They still haven't reached 5 million subs so that may be a thing. Or once the Battle of the Breach is fully panned out on cover photos they will release it. Not entirely sure. Give me your thoughts! :)

Update: 5-7-13

Another one May 7th! :)

Pic 6 - Facebook (May 7)

Another "maybe" hint at a return date... they are getting close to 5 million subs. So get all your friends to sub and let's see what happens!

Update: 5-21-13

Yet another one :) I want the new episode sooo bad! The wall is almost rebuilt :)
Pic 7 - Facebook (May 21)
Besides the 5 million sub guess (they are about 150k away), Their VERY FIRST video was uploaded on July 19th 2008. So MAYBE (another shot in the dark) the new one could be uploaded on their 5th anniversary of the very beginning of their channel. Comment with your thoughts!

Update: 7-23-13

Finally another :) Took a little over 2 months, but this one is funny. I actually caught this one before someone commented... I feel proud even though it is still a week late. Here it is!
Pic 8 - Facebook (July 23)
So 5 year channel anniversary, 5 million subs, and 1 year SoI part 42 anniversary came and gone and nothing. But at least the wall is almost done. Only a couple more photos to go :) Get excited!