Friday, August 2, 2013

More SoI Updates Courtesy of the Forums

Haha super old from the forums... well April... but I completely missed it. Hannah was commenting on a thread about a possible hidden countdown in the facebook cover photos (Link to my blog post here! ) (Link to the forum thread here!) and had a lot of interesting things to say about the beginnings of SoI and the continuation of the series. I screenshotted her post if you don't want to go to the forums. Here it is:

After reading this it makes me glad to hear straight from a member of the Yogscast that it is being worked on. I don't like subtle hinting... lol And I am glad that from what she wrote that they are working on finishing it so there are not any more delays. That makes me happy that hopefully we will never have to wait over a year for the continuation, but it is also sad that it will be ending soon... :( The first paragraph also made me think. She says that the idea was thought up by her and Lewis, and that they started with the aid of some others and Simon didn't even know in the beginning. What I really want to know is how early this idea started. At the beginning, they claimed that Israphel was actually another person who got on to their server, and they procured the account from this individual. But is that really true? I mean, they were the ones that claimed the other characters were advanced NPCs... which turned out to be a lie. So it is possible that they could have fibbed about this one too, and all of it was of their own creation. I replied to Hannah's post on the forums with a quote of the first paragraph (I think it is on page 27 of the thread) asking this same question. Hopefully she responds, and if she does, I will be sure to post about it. It would be really nice to know.

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